Student Learning Outcomes
Problem Solvers and Critical Thinkers: All students will apply their knowledge, skills and experience to solve problems that arise in everyday life. They will demonstrate problem solving and critical thinking skills as well as responsible behaviors in personal, school and community contexts.
Ready for College and Career: All students will develop self-awareness and self-management skills taking action to realize their post-secondary goals. Students will demonstrate respect for multiple perspectives while seeking to understand other cultures. Students will also conduct themselves in an ethical manner and seek opportunities to be of service in their community.
Innovative and Creative Learners: All students will create original works employing and documenting a systematic approach to creative thinking and design. Students will take the initiative to reflect on their work while accepting critical feedback.
Digital Learners: All students will assess and evaluate information from a wide variety of sources. Students will create authentic and relevant projects while using digital tools effectively to communicate and collaborate in an ethical manner.
Effective Communicators: All students will articulate ideas clearly and coherently with oral, written and non-verbal communication forms. Students will accomplish common goals through cooperation using social awareness to establish and maintain positive relationships.